Close up views of bushes on the side of the rails

JMP Solicitors wins ruling against Network Rail in Japanese Knotweed case

JMP Solicitors won a court ruling on Japanese Knotweed which could pave the way for home owners to get compensation from Network Rail, local authorities and other major landowners. It follows a David and Goliath battle by two nextdoor neighbours who took on Network Rail – and won. Samantha Towle, lawyer, JMP Solicitors acting for…

JMP Solicitors can help with your divorce problems

Ex-partners can claim for future earnings years after they split. Be warned.

A breakdown of a relationship is a very traumatic event for many people. Although going through the divorce can be very stressful for all parties involved, the procedure itself is not so complicated. The real complications start when parties begin their discussions to divide their matrimonial assets, decide on property sales, settle their financial claims…

JMP Solicitors can help with your Japanese Knotweed problems

Knotweed Battle Against Environment Agency Takes Root

JMP Solicitors is representing property owners from a North London road who are claiming that the Environment Agency was careless in its treatment of an infestation of Japanese Knotweed in a brook behind their homes, causing the value of their houses to fall by tens of thousands of punds and leaving them in a position…

Grandparents Rights

Getting access to your grandchildren – what can you do?

We have been asked several times what rights do grandparents have when they have been denied access to their grandchildren? No rights…but… Grandparents do not have an automatic right to contact in law. Only people with parental responsibility have such a right. However, family courts do note that grandparents have an invaluable role to play.…
